The Right Comparisons
We all tend to compare our lives, our comforts, our resources with others', don't we? Haven't we, at least once, said-"I wish I had a giant house like his!" or "Why don't I have a 3.5 feet Television?"... and this list goes on....
We all wish and wonder about luxuries and comforts which we aren't able to afford and often tend to fail to appreciate things we already have... And these stupid comparisons always lead to disappointment.
I ain't being against comparisons here, what I am trying to say is we need to compare wisely. Why compare something which you can't change? Well, if you can't afford to buy yourself a huge television, there's no use in complaining about it, instead why not appreciate the things we already have... You're lucky to have a roof above you unlike the poor beggar outside the temple. We got to stop comparing things which we can't change and start appreciating the little things we already have. Its important to remember that there is always someone less fortunate than you, and what you already have might be what someone doesn't have... The life you are living right now, might be someone's dream. For things you can't change, compare them with the less fortunate, and feel blessed for what you already have.
Stop whining about what you don't have and start loving the things you already have.
But we always need to ask ourselves before every comparison we make- "Can I change this about my life?" If yes then do it!... For things which we can change by effort and hard work, we got to start comparing ourselves with the best of bests. You can always work or study hard to earn more, to have more and change your future. In case like these you can't be comparing yourself with a failure and be like-"Oh, I am at least better than him" No, you have to compare your self with the successful here! It is only then that you will see how you need to change yourself and work on your self. You shouldn't lay down and be satisfied. My point is- If a comparison drives you to work harder to change something that is POSSIBLE, then that is a healthy and meaningful comparison. Things which you can change NEED to be compared and need to be changed for better!
That's all I have to say...
Thankyou for reading :)
Shreya Gupta